1. surprised/shocked
When we heard about the accident, we were all surprised and didn't know what to say.*
When we heard about the accident, we were all shocked and didn't know what to say.
When someone is surprised and upset because something unpleasant has happened, they are shocked: ‘When reports came in that the child’s body had been found, everyone was deeply shocked.’
2. taste/try
During your visit you’ll be able to taste some of the local Catalan specialties.*
During your visit you’ll be able to try some of the local Catalan specialties.
When you taste something, you put a little into your mouth to see what it is like: ‘The chef stirred the soup, tasted it, and then added a little salt. When you have something to eat or drink for the first time, you try it. ‘I think I'll try the onion soup. What’s it like?’
3. tasteful/tasty
The food was excellent and very tasteful.*
The food was excellent and very tasty.
tasteful = chosen or produced by someone who is able to judge which kinds of art, music, furniture, etc., are attractive: ‘The design of the room was very tasteful - pale colors, matching fabrics, and soft corner lighting.’ tasty = (of food) having a pleasant taste : These sausages are really tasty - where did you buy them?’
4. tell/say
John said that he was trying to get to London. 'That's where I'm going,' told the man.*
John said that he was trying to get to London. 'That's where I'm going,' said the man.
Say is used with both direct and indirect speech: '''I'm not going,'" he said,' 'He said he wasn't going,' Tell is used only with, indirect speech: .. 'He told me he wasn't going.'
5. thought/beliefs
They are prepared to kill in order to defend their thoughts.*
They are prepared to kill in order to defend their beliefs.
belief = a strong feeling that something is true or untrue, good or bad etc.: ‘In the old days people were persecuted for their religious beliefs.' ‘The poet's belief in life after death is not evident in these early poems.’
6. time table/schedule
The manager's timetable next week is very busy .*
The manager's schedule next week is very busy.
timetable = a list or plan showing the times when lessons take place or the times when buses, trains etc. arrive and leave: According to my timetable, history is on Mondays and Thursdays.’ schedule = a detailed plan of all the things that have to be done during a certain period: 'It’s important that we all try and keep to the schedule.’ The project is running 6 months behind schedule.’
7. title/headline
The newspaper titles were all about the earthquake .*
The newspaper headlines were all about the earthquake.
title = the name of a book, play, painting, piece of music etc.: 'I can remember the title of the book but not the author.' headline = the heading above a report in a newspaper, especially at the op of the front page: 'Have you seen today's headlines? There's been another car bomb in London.'
8. usual/ordinary
I thought it was just a usual parcel but then it began to move across the table.*
I thought it was just an ordinary parcel but then it began to move across the table.
usual = that is usually used, seen, done etc.: 'She was sitting in her usual chair by the fire.' 'We arranged to meet at the usual time.' 'He was speaking in his usual calm tone.' ordinary = without any special features or qualities: 'It was just an ordinary house in an ordinary street.' 'From the moment I met her, I knew she was no ordinary kind of girl.'
9. wait/expect
I'm waiting a letter from my boyfriend.*
I’m expecting a letter from my boyfriend.
wait = stay somewhere until someone or something comes: ‘I’ll wait here until you get back.’ ‘It’s quicker to walk than wait for a bus.’ expect = believe that someone or something is going to come: ‘The train is expected to arrive in the next five minutes.’ ‘I can't leave the house -I’m expecting visitors.'
10. wish/hope
I wish you have a wonderful holiday .*
I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
Use wish that (+ past/past perfect tense) for things that cannot happen or will probably not happen: 'I wish I hadn't told them my address.' 'I wish you could stay here longer.' (= this will probably not happen) Use hope that (+ present/present perfect tense) for things that may easily happen or may easily have happened: 'I hope you've had a successful trip.' 'We hope you all have a very merry Christmas.' When wish is used for this meaning, the object is a noun phrase (NOT a that clause): 'I wish you a safe journey.' 'We'd like to wish you all a very merry Christmas.'
The belief that Spanish is easy to learn is wrong.*
The belief that Spanish is easy to learn is mistaken.
To describe a belief or idea that is wrong although people do not know it is wrong, use mistaken: 'Some people have the mistaken idea that cats need to drink milk.' 'I'm afraid you must be mistaken.'
Turton and Heaton. 1996. Longman Dictionary of Common Errors. England: Pearson Education Limited.